Address: 1780 Kittyhawk Ave. Carroll IA
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed
Call or Text: 712.775.2946
Toll Free Customer Service: 888.508.2946
Toll Free 24/7 Support: 888.508.2946
Address: 112 East Main Breda, IA
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed
Call: 712.673.2311
Text: 712.775.2946
Toll Free Customer Service: 888.508.2946
Toll Free 24/7 Support: 888.508.2946
Payment Drop Boxes located at Corporate Headquarters and at 113 South Main St in Denison.
Call before you dig! Iowa One Call
Now you can just dial 811 from any telephone! This toll-free number also still works 1-800-292-8989 Call the toll-free number at least 48 hours prior to all excavations in Iowa.
Service Catalog Information
Service Catalog information for Breda Telephone Corp., BTC, Inc., Prairie Telephone Co., Inc. Tele-Services, Ltd and Westside Independent Telephone Company is kept onsite at our Breda and Carroll office and will be provided for viewing at customers’ request. A customer needing to review our Service Catalog information may contact our Breda office, Carroll office or Denison office.
Effective July 1, 2020, Breda Telephone Corp., Prairie Telephone Co., Inc., and Westside Independent Telephone Company offer Wireline Broadband Internet Transport Services (WBITS) to customers pursuant to Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, on a common-carriage permissively tariffed basis. The rates, terms and conditions applicable to the provision of WBITS is outlined in the DSL Transport Service Guide document which may be viewed using the link provided below. This document will also be provided for viewing at the customer’s request. A customer needing to review our DSL Transport Service Guide information may contact our Breda office, Carroll office or Denison office.