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WIN Covid-19 Response graphic

August 24, 2020

Face Coverings Required
We ask that all customers visiting our Carroll Retail location wear face coverings.  Our employees are required to wear a face covering while with customers.

May 4, 2020

Some of our lobbies are now open to the public between 8am-4:30pm M-F

Please do not visit if you or someone in your household is ill or if you have recently traveled outside of Iowa.

We are limiting the number of visitors in our Breda office to 1 at a time.
We are limiting the number of visitors in our Carroll office to 3 at a time and asking only 1 visitor per party.
Our Denison office is closed to the public at this time.
All other requests are posted at each location.
We would like to set up appointments whenever possible.  Please call or text 712-775-2946 to schedule.
Our technicians are resuming service calls, including installations while following all safety precautions for health & safety.


How To Safely Pay Your Bill While Social Distancing
We applaud our community’s efforts to practice social distancing during this time of COVID-19. Keep in mind we offer several safe and secure bill payment options:
Pay online. If you are not yet set up for online bill pay call or text 712-775-2946 to set up.
Put your payment in our drop box slot in Carroll, Denison, Breda, Lidderdale, Arcadia or Westside.
Pay over the phone with a credit card by calling our office at 888-508-2946 during normal business hours, 8am to 4:30pm.
Contact us if you have any questions about these bill payment options.


COVID-19 Precautions For Service And Installation Appointments
In order to protect the health of our technicians, we’re following these procedures:
When you call to schedule a home visit for new service installation or service trouble, our Customer Service Representatives will ask you about recent travel and your current health status. We reserve the right to not schedule an appointment at this time if indicated.
Our technicians will also ask screening questions before entering your home and have the right to decline entry if they’re not comfortable with the safety of the environment.
During work at your home, our technicians will practice social distancing and use all appropriate protective equipment.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. As the situation evolves, we will keep you updated on any changes to our business operations or customer services.


Stay Informed And Follow CDC Precautions
We urge you to practice the personal precautions recommended by the CDC to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. They include frequent hand washing, not touching your face, disinfecting surfaces, and social distancing. Go to for complete details. You can also get more information about COVID-19 from the World Health Organization at When we all do our part, it helps to keep our community safe.

March 25, 2020

Due to our lobby being closed we wanted to make sure our US Cellular Prepaid customers had another option to refill!
1. Dial #ADD or 611 from your U.S. Cellular® phone or call 888-944-9400.
2. Enter your credit, debit or prepaid card information or have a Customer Service Representative assist you. 

March 23, 2020

To give our customers another avenue to contact us, you can now text us at 712-775-2946 between 8am-4:30pm M-F. We hope this makes things more convenient for many.

March 23, 2020

To help support the health of our customers, employees and community, our lobbies at our Breda, Carroll & Denison locations will be closed until further notice. We will still be serving customers over the phone and via email. 888-508-2946 or

We have also suspended any service installations that require us to go into a customers home until further notice as well. Thank you!

March 19, 2020

For the safety of our customers and employees, please use our drop box for your WIN services payments instead of bringing them inside. Our Carroll drop box is in the back of the store near our employee entrance, in our driveway in Breda, and right next to the entry door in Denison. Thank you!

March 17, 2020

To help keep our customers and employees safe, we’d like to invite you to sign up for our e-Bill, AutoPay or both.  This would save you from having to stop into our office.  Call 888-508-2946 and we’ll get you all set up over the phone.

March 17, 2020


Dear Valued Customer,


The safety and well-being of our customers and employees is very importance to us.  We want to assure you that we are actively monitoring the COVID-19 (the coronavirus) situation and taking the necessary steps to maintain our operations, while keeping our customers and associates safe and connected.


During this time of uncertainty, we want to be a resource and provide tips and information that can help ensure the health and safety of you, your family, friends and co-workers.


Recent studies have found that coronaviruses can possibly last on surfaces such as metal, glass or plastic for two hours and up to nine days. Therefore, we encourage you to take precautionary measures and regularly clean your wireless devices, tablets, computer mouse and keyboard as well as the surfaces you come in contact with regularly. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that people clean all “high touch” surfaces, such as these on a daily basis.


For our cellular customers AppleSamsung, and Google have tips online on how to properly clean their devices, and we recommend wiping devices frequently with a soft, slightly damp lint-free cloth. We also encourage you to not share your phone with other people and keep it out of restrooms. While these tips take on a higher importance now, they can be used year-round to help keep your devices clean and germ-free.


We have advised our retail associates to not share their personal phones and to wash their hands routinely throughout the day.  We invite our customers to conduct their business with us over the phone or via email whenever possible.  Our customer service teams are available via phone at 888-508-2946, or via email at


If you do need to come in to one of our locations, we urge you to use our hand sanitizer when you come in.  We would like to assure you that we are taking the necessary steps to maintain a clean office environment for our customers and employees.


Our technicians will also be taking the proper steps while coming to our customer’s homes as well.  They will be properly cleaning their hands, tools, etc. before and after entering homes and wearing gloves whenever possible.


We are tracking updates issued by the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure that we are taking any required actions. We are well prepared to make necessary adjustments to ensure the health and safety of our customers, associates and business partners.


We are committed to providing you an excellent experience, while keeping health and safety a top priority. Thank you for choosing us as your service provider.



Jeff Roiland